The Honorable Patrice Moore

Board Chair

Circuit Court Judge
Sixth Judicial Circuit


Patrice W. Moore was elected in August 2010 to serve as Circuit Court Judge for the Sixth Judicial Circuit, and was the first African American female to serve in this prestigious position. Judge Moore currently serves as the Unified Family Court Administrative Judge where she presides over delinquency, dependency, domestic violence injunctions, girls’ court, truancy court, and family law matters involving dependency court. In 2014, Judge Moore was appointed by the Chief Judge to serve in an ex-officio capacity on the Juvenile Welfare Board.

Judge Moore received her undergraduate degree from Florida Memorial University and her Juris Doctorate Degree from Stetson University College of Law. She served as an Assistant Public Defender in the Sixth Judicial Circuit for 14 years in the mental health division. She has also served as a crossover attorney and a direct file attorney.

Judge Moore is the current co-chair of the School Referral Subcommittee of the Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative in Pinellas County. She was appointed by the Supreme Court of Florida to serve on the Steering Committee on Families and Children in the Court. Judge Moore has also served on the Florida Board of Psychology and was co-chair of the Board of Directors of Brookwood Florida, Inc.