Book Bus Delivering Free Books to Kids on July 11 in Pinellas Park
Bob Carskadon | I Love the Burg
Jun 28, 2022
School may be out, but there’s still good reason for kids to hit the books this summer. On Monday, July 11, the Barbara S. Ponce Public Library in Pinellas Park will be giving away free books to kids throughout the area.
From 12 – 1 pm, Pinellas County’s Juvenile Welfare Board is bringing their Book Bus to the library, where kids of all ages are invited to hop aboard and pick out a free book. Advance registration is recommended to cut down on the wait time, and slots can be reserved by calling 727-369-0664.
The Barbara S. Ponce Public Library is located at 7770 52nd Street, and attendance is free and open to all. The book giveaway is part of the Juvenile Welfare Board’s commitment to making children a priority, advocating for their best interests and investing to improve their futures. A need for access to books and the urgency of developing reading skills led to the creation of JWB’s Book Bus, which tours Pinellas County, offering free books to youth throughout the summer.
Of course, the Book Bus is only one of many free events the Ponce Library puts on as part of its summer programming. Other fun experiences for children include afternoon movies, Creatures of the Deep (an exploration of the deepest, darkest zones of the ocean on June 29), free community ASL classes all summer, a chess club, a gamer guild, and an end-of-summer pool party weekend coming July 30-31. Several ocean-themed programs are worth checking out as well, including Ocean Guardians, sea creature storytimes, and Seuss Under the Sea.
Learn more about Pinellas Park’s Barbara S. Ponce Public Library and their programming here, and also check out all the great things being done by the Juvenile Welfare Board of Pinellas County.
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