JWB Honored as a Pace Champion
Oct 13, 2023
Recently, JWB staff had the honor of attending the 2023 Pace Center for Girls Soiree, their annual awards dinner.
JWB was recognized as a Pace Champion for our investment in and support of their wraparound services. Our CEO, Beth, was interviewed for a short video shown at the event, and Denise McCabe, wife of former JWB Board Member Hon. Bernie McCabe, presented the award to our Director of Strategic Communications, April Putzulu, who accepted the award on JWB’s behalf.
Mrs. McCabe shared this: “Bernie joined the JWB Board in 2000, alongside his colleague and friend Bob Dillinger. Bernie cherished his service on the Juvenile Welfare Board: He was steadfast in his commitment to always do what was best for children, and his benchmark was, ‘Is it good for the kids?‘
As a longstanding member of the Board’s Finance Committee, Bernie was equally committed to being a good steward of taxpayer dollars. He cared that the programs JWB funded were both fiscally sound and making a difference. In 2015, with Bernie and Bob at the table, the JWB Board approved funding for Pace Center for Girls for wrap-around support, including counseling and transition services.
If Bernie were here tonight, he would say that Pace passes his litmus test: They wisely use the funds invested by JWB….and it IS good for the kids!”
“The missions of JWB and Pace are closely aligned,” April said, as she accepted the award, a lovely heart-shaped sculpture. “Pace provides girls and young women opportunities for a better future…and JWB invests so all children will have equitable opportunity to fulfill their potential. Now more than ever, we understand the importance of healthy connections, self-care, and wellness for our youth. At JWB, it is our privilege, to support PACE in addressing the social-emotional and behavioral health needs of their girls.”
Two current JWB Board Members, Hon. Chris Latvala and Hon. Sara Mollo, were also in attendance for this very special night!
Enjoy these photos of the evening, courtesy of JWB Staff and Housh Ghovaee.
You can watch our CEO’s video message here: https://youtu.be/hc_uA6US0K4.