Spring break kicks off free safety around water lessons at the Y
Spectrum News - Bay News 9 | Spectrum News - Bay News 9
Mar 02, 2021

Tampa Bay area children can once again receive free water safety and swim lessons at their local Y, starting during the local school districts’ Spring Break, March 15-18.
TheY’s Safety Around Water program is offered this year at 16 Tampa Metropolitan Area YMCA and YMCA of the Suncoast locations. The program is free and open to all 3-12-year-old beginners and non-swimmers in the Tampa Bay community. The YMCA of the Suncoast is able to offer the program at no cost in Pinellas County thanks to the generosity of the Juvenile Welfare Board.
During the 4-day course, certified instructors teach kids a sequenced set of skills that will reduce the risk of drowning and give them confidence in and around water. Participants must be present on the first day of class and bring their own swimsuit and towel. A YMCA membership is NOT required; however, due to limited space, pre-registration is required at these participating Ys:
March 15-18: Tampa Metropolitan Area YMCA (11 locations), Clearwater YMCA, Greater Palm Harbor YMCA, Greater Ridgecrest YMCA, James P. Gills Family YMCA, North Pinellas YMCA
At the Tampa Y, you can sign up online, in-person or by phone. At the Suncoast Y, you can sign up in-person or by phone. As with all YMCA programs and services, the Y follows guidance from the CDC and government officials to create a safer environment and ensure the highest standards of cleanliness and appropriate accommodations for social distancing. The Y will also offer the free Safety Around Water program in May and August of this year. Dates and times vary based on YMCA location.
To view the full news story by Bay News 9, visit https://www.baynews9.com/fl/tampa/news/2021/03/02/spring-break-kicks-off-free-safety-around-water-lessons-at-the-y