The Pinwheel Podcast | ABCs of Safe Infant Sleep

Ounce of Prevention | Prevent Child Abuse Florida

Oct 01, 2021

As part of Infant Safe Sleep Month in October, JWB Strategic Initiatives Manager Rebecca Albert was recently featured in a statewide podcast with Prevent Child Abuse Florida and the Ounce of Prevention, spotlighting JWB’s Sleep Baby Safely Campaign and emphasizing that the cause of infant sleep-related deaths is suffocation not SIDS. Knowing the cause and understanding that it is 100% preventable removes the mystery, so parents/caregivers can be educated and empowered to protect their babies from suffocation, every night and every nap. 

Sleep Baby Safely’s three data-driven tips were also shared:

  • Follow Safe Sleep ABCs: Alone, Back, Crib
  • Share a Room, Not a Bed
  • Stay Alert While Feeding

To learn more about JWB’s Sleep Baby Safely campaign and how it is saving babies’ lives, visit

Listen to the ABCs of Safe Infant Sleep podcast at: